3625 Eggert Rd #105 Orchard Park, New York 14127 | 3375 East Main St, Dunkirk, New York 14048

Q: How do I know when it's time to see a counselor?
There may be a persistent problem or negative feeling that has been weighing on you for some time.
Your issue may be too big to tackle all on your own.
You have not seen any improvement or change
Is there something you want to change and don't know how?
Q: Do you take my insurance?
A: Reasons I do not take insurance:
You are in control of your care, including choosing length of treatment and therapist.
Increased privacy and confidentiality (not having a mental health disorder diagnosis on your medical record)
You may have questions/concerns with me on non-psychiatric issues that aren't billable by insurance
I will provide you with the necessary information if you wish to submit to your insurance company to obtain reimbursement
Q: What can I expect in the first session?
A: You will meet with me for 50-60 minutes
During this time we will get to know each other, talk about your therapy goals, your needs and what to expect
We will discuss a treatment plan and what that looks like as we continue
We will discuss symptoms you may have had or are currently experiencing. Your history and background along with future goals.
Q: Do you provide a consultation?
A: Yes, I provide a free 15 minute phone consultation to all my clients to determine if I am going to be right for you.
Q: Medication vs. Psychotherapy?
A: It's been well documented that long term solutions to mental and emotional issues and the problems caused by them cannot be solved solely by medication. Therapy focuses on addressing the cause of our problems and behavior patterns that derail us.
Working with your medical doctor you can determine what is best for you and in some cases a combination of medication and therapy can be beneficial.
Q: Does our therapy session remain confidential?
A: Confidentiality is one of the most important components between a client and therapist. You can expect that what you discuss in session will not be shared with anyone. However, state law and professional ethics require a therapist to maintain confidentiality except in the following situations:
Suspected past or present abuse or neglect of children, adults and elders.
If the therapist has reason to suspect the client is seriously in danger of harming themself or has threatened to harm another.
If the court of law orders the release of information.
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